FAQ for BNHbharat (Healthcare Business Network Platform)

BNHbharat is a healthcare networking platform designed to connect individuals, firms, institutes, and hospitals involved in the healthcare business, both offline and online.

Any person, firm, institute, or hospital involved in the healthcare business can join BNHbharat, whether they operate offline or online.

Each chapter allows one person from each specialty to join. If there are two individuals from the same specialty, they may be referred to another chapter in the same city. However, two members of the same specialty cannot be part of the same chapter.

Doctors from various fields including Allopathy, AYUSH, Dentistry, Physiotherapy, Nutrition, and other specialists from allied health services can join BNHbharat.

Individuals and entities from sectors associated with healthcare such as Pharmacy, Medical Instrumentation, Paramedical College Owners, Hospital Owners, Hospital Architects, and more can join BNHbharat. (A detailed list is mentioned in the specialties section.)

Yes, BNHbharat operates both as an offline and online platform, providing opportunities for networking and collaboration in the healthcare sector through various channels.

To join BNHbharat online, simply visit our website and follow the registration process. You can create an account, provide necessary details, and start connecting with other members virtually. Join now

BNHbharat offers a range of benefits to its members including networking opportunities, access to industry events and conferences, knowledge sharing, business collaboration, and promotional opportunities for their services or products.

BNHbharat takes privacy and security seriously. We employ robust security measures to protect the personal and professional information of our members. Additionally, we adhere to strict privacy policies and only share information with consent or as required by law.

Yes, BNHbharat provides advertising and promotional opportunities for its members. You can showcase your services or products to a targeted audience within the healthcare industry through our platform.